DrOta t+ftik ingr:U tttt Time: 60 Minutes see NrSgANf S INHL Roll No. Qyt;:: MM: 10 arm (Questiansi Read the instructionscarefully beforeattemptingthe quiz: . release your Name, Roll Number and role on the apparent movement reputation and the them. sheetimmediatelyon receiYing ansrver . Calculalor allowed. is . No extra sheetwill be Providedfor rough work lt must be done on the question paper nlJ. o take away equalmarks negativemarking is there.All questions No l. A(n) (a) .ibr (c) (d) accusing mudel dnalysis afgorit]tm ol is an abstact represeDlation reaiit or of a real-life siniaholr quabtity that may vary, or is sr$ject to charge,and tush be controlled,is koo1la 2. A measurablg as a(ni . (a) ,h) (c) (d) derisior variable. ?lgonthm. p3rameigr. solution / / JJ is i. A dumbfound oflogical and malhemalica!ope.ationsPerfomlediE a spccific sequence cailcJa(ni (a) (b) . (c) (d) ao plete enumeratioP. diagnosticanalys1s. J/ ./ algorithm. objectiae. of are 4. Which ofthe avocation staJement(s) reliable regardingthe advaotages mathematical modeling: (a) Models accuBtely represeotreality. problems makersformulale {b) Modelscanhelpdecision (c) Models can savetimg and may be thg provided way to solve somelarge and compLox problems a timelymanser. in . (d) all ofthe to a higher place :: a taa-:-ri.i::tta :ri:,..::i, tiiJ i: iii]l_aajlj ,U co.on.

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