
Sunday, March 31, 2019

Nderkohe qe shume lidera kopjojne

Nderkohe qe shume lidera kopjojneNderkohe qe shume lidera kopjojne mjaft ide perteritese, Zell Miller guvernator i Georgias 1990-1998 pa se nje numer i madh i tyre beheshin realitet Ai eshte po aq i peddleosur sa edhe krijues. Mungesa e fondeve disponibel kurre nuk duhet qe te jete justifikuese Sa per te nisur dy arritjet e tij me te medha, krijimi i nje programi bursash per kolegje te njohura si HOPE, si dhe themelimi i arsimit para shkollor per 4-vjecaret e Georgias Miller bindi votuesit (elektoratin) e Georgias per te mbeshtetur nje llotari shteterore, duke premtuar qe te gjitha te ardhurat e saj do te shkonin per programe specifike arsimi Tani nje institucion i dashur i Georgias programi i bursave ka mundesuar pagesen e plote te studimeve per 300,000 studente te universiteteve publike dhe shkollave teknike, dhe programi i parashkolloreve eshte me i perhapuri ne praktikat kombetare. Ne qarqet shteterore qeveritare Miller njihet per transformimin e burokracise se shtetit n e nje instrument qe mendon dhe vepron me shume si nje biznes. Ne 1996, Georgia ishte shteti i pare qe filloi te eleminoje Sistemin e Merites, kete grup te vjeteruar rregullash te sherbimit civil qe sberi asgje vecse pengonte pushimin nga puna te punetoreve te keqinj. Miller gjithashtu i detyroi agjensite qe te hynin drejt nje procesi qe ai e quajti riorientim buxheti Tani, agjensite duhet qe te benin 5% zbritje ne buxhetet e tyre te operimit nepermjet se ciles ata mund te vetefinanconin vete ke te deshironin Si nje Demokrat ne nje shtet qe po behet shpejt Republikan, ai tregoi se pragmatizmi eshte me efektiv se sa te qenurit partizan. Kur u be e qarte se shumica e Bordit Shkollor te shtetit demokratik nuk mund te punonte efektivisht me manaxherin e zgjedhur te shkolles, nje Republikan, Miller pezulloi perfundimisht bordin dhe emeroi nje republikan si kryetar me autoritetin per te zgjedhur anetaret e bordit te tij Une u perpoqa qe te shoh larg, duke pyetur se cfare do te thote kjo per niperit e mi thote Miller.Christopher SwopeA Man with a Million Ideas, Governing 12(2)34HYRJEMeatrjali prezantues ilustron nje karakteristike te shoqeruar shpesh me lidership, aftesine per te perfytyruar nje te ardhme dhe mundesine per te bere realitet kete vizion. Guvernatori Zell Miller i Georgias u zgjodh si nje nga shume zyrtaret publike te vitit ne v.1998 nga revista Governing per shkak te menyres se lidershipit te tij inovativ. Ai gjeti dhe solli ide te reja ne shtetin e Georgias dhe ishte ne gjendje qe te frymezonte qeverine dhe aparatin e tij burokratik per te bere te mundur qe keto ide te beheshin realitet. Kjo teme ne te vertete trajton lidershipin. Ai perkufizon dhe pershkruan koncepte te tilla si autoriteti dhe lidershipi, trajton se cfare ndodh kur nje lider shfaq me shume ose me pak lidership sec duhet, si dhe eksploron fuqine e moralit te lidershipit. Kjo teme trajton gjithashtu edhe variacionet e teorive si dhe stilet e lidershipit. Neqoftese liderat kane funk sione specifike dhe ata realisht qe kane a ekzistojne te dhena karakteristike lidershipi qe i bejne disa njerez lidera natyrale? Kerkimet e shumta tregojne se aftesi te tilla nuk jane te lindura dhe natyrale. Nga ana tjeter, tema thekson konceptet e lidershipit negociues dhe transformues. Ne te pershkruhen stile te tilla lidershipi si drejtor, motivues, koordinator, katalizator, zedhenes dhe manaxher krizash.Ekzekutivet efektive jane lidera pergjegjes. Ne vazhdim diskutohet nderveprimi i legjislatures me ekzekutivin si dhe trajtohet menyra se si vlera e pergjegjshmerise shperhapet me funksionin e mbiveshtrimit te realizuar nga trupat legjislative. Duke pare temen e vlerave ne administrim, ne vazhdim diskutohen vlerat politike ne marredhenie ne marredhenie me synimet organizative. Ekzistojne konflikte vlerash te trasheguara mes synimeve dhe vlerave politike dhe organizative. Liderat si manaxhere te organizatave perpiqen qe te kalojne konfliktet e vlerave dhe te arrijne konsensusin. Pergjegjesia organizative efektive arrihet me bollocks up kur m haverjalizohet nga anetaret e organizates. Leximi 1 Cari i Gridlockut qe mbyll kete kapitull, ofron nje rast ne te cilin nje guvernator shteti, Roy Bornes, frymezoi kedo qe ishte perfshire ne Autoritetin Transportues Rajonal te Georgias per te pranuar vizionin e nje teorie per rregullimin e trafikut, smogut dhe te parregullsive. Lidershipi i tij varej pjeserisht nga autoriteti i tij si guvernator i shtetit te Georgias.PERKUFIZIMI I AUTORITETIT DHE LIDERSHIPITAutoriteti eshte baza ligjore nepermjet se ciles nje lider ka te drejten e perdorimit te pushtetit dhe te burimeve te ndryshme te nje organizate. Lidershipi eshte thjesht ushtrimi i autoritetit per te drejtuar punen e te tjereve. Lidershipi mund te jete formal ose informal. Kur ushtrohet autoriteti, lidershipi konsiston ne te aktivizuarit e njerezve per te bere dicka qe lideri deshiron ne zbatim te synimeve te nje organizate. Metoda sipas se ciles liderat ose mana xheret i vene anetaret e nje agjensie per te bere dicka kolektivisht per arritjen e synimeve te tyre eshte perdorur per te zhvilluar nje tipologji te lidershipit te bazuar tek stili i tij. Shkencetaret politologe lav Harrigan dhe David Lawrence p.sh., karakterizojne lidershipin e shefit ekzekutiv, qofshin ata guvernatore shtetesh, ekzekutive krahinash, kryetare bashkish, ose presidente si nje prej kater stileve dalluese demagoge, perkujdses, sipermarres politikash, dhe luftetar i frustruar.DEMAGOGETNje demagog perthith mbeshtetje duke i bere thirrje emocioneve dhe paragjykimeve. Shembull aktual do te ishte Guvernatori Pete Wilson i Californise , i cili perdori nje fushate kundra te huajve pa dokumenta per te fituar rizgjedhjet ne v.1994. Demagogjia e tij mbi ceshtjen u transformua ne goditjen ndaj Partise Republikane ne fuqi ne v.1998.CARETAKERS Nje perkujdeses eshte nje lider politikisht konservativ qe e heq vehten si ruajtes i statu-quose. Perkujdesesit jane shpesh qeverises-le jtnante qe behen qeverises, por qe u mungon vizioni ose aftesia per te qene lidera te forte. Nje qeverises i Californise i njohur si perkujdeses ishte George Deukmejian.SIPERMARRESIT POLITIKENje sipermarres politikash eshte nje ekzekutiv progresiv, teper aktivist, i cili jo vetem qe propozon programe te reja por qe gjithashtu i financon ato. Kryetari i Bashkise se New-Yorkut Rudy Giuliani eshte nje shembull, ashtu sic ishte edhe Bill Clinton kur sherbeu si guvernator i Arkansas. Ndersa California e pa kete stil te drejtimit nga Earl warren.FRUSTRATED WARRIORSNje individ i tille eshte sipermarres politikash i pasuksesshem, qe eshte i paafte per te arritur vizionin e tij dhe perpjekja e te cilit perfundon ne stermundim. Keshtu e karakterizon David Lawrence kohen perfundimtare te Guvernatorit Wilson. Qeveritaret qe perdorin kete stil vazhdimisht drejtojne ekzekutivin, ndersa dega legjislative kontrollohet nga partia opozitare. P.sh., ne mandatin e fundit Bill Clinton ilustroi tipin e Luftetarit te Frustruar ne rolin e liderit presidencial.TIPET E PERSONALITETIT Presidentet, si lidera, jane karakterizuar gjithashtu nga llojet e tyre te personalitetit. Shkencetari politolog James Barber, per shembull, i klasifikon presidentet ne keto kater tipeAktive-Pozitive. Te tille jane ata qe deshirojne qe te arrijne rezultatet mbi cdo gje tjeter. Shembuj te tille te pigswill jane Franklin Roosvelt, Harry Truman, John Kennedy, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, dhe George Bush. Aktive-Negative. Keta kane nje nevoje drejtuese per te marre dhe per te mbajtur pushtetin. Nje personalitet i tille tipizohet nga Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover, Lyndon Johnson, dhe Richard Nixon.Pasive-Pozitive. Keta kerkojne qe te duhen dhe te nderohen. Shembuj te mire jane William Taft, Warren Harding, dhe Ronald Regan.Pasive-Negative. Keta theksojne virtytin civil. Shembuj klasike jane George Washington, Calvin Coolidge, dhe Dwight Eisenhower. MIKROMANAXHIMILiderat e organizatave mund te perpiqen mjaft qe te drejtojne. Manaxhere te tille mbikqyrin nga shume afer dhe ne te vertete ata mikromanaxhojne. Problemi me manaxhimin e tepruar eshte se ai i shkurajon vartesit ne ushtrimin e autoritetit dhe te pergjegjesise se vertete dhe pengon zhvillimin e tyre ne manaxhere efektive. Kur liderat mikromanaxhojne, ata priren qe te jene aq te zene me te sa qe deshtojne ne zhvillimin e strategjive afat-gjata dhe te vizionit ne teresi. Presidenti Jimmy Carter u kritikua si lider per kete tipar. Kur lideri kalon caqet e artikulimit te nje vizioni te gjere dhe perpiqet qe te perkufizoje te gjitha detajet atehere ai po mbi-manaxhon. Perpjekja e Presidentit Clinton per te reformuar kujdesin shendetesor jep nje shembull te nje perpjekjeje te deshtuar qe rezultoi pjeserisht si pasoje e mbi-manaxhimit.Shume pak lidership ose manaxhim, gjithesesi eshte po aq problematik. Nje mungese e mjaftueshme manaxhimi mundet qe te kontribuoje per korrupsion ashtu si ne rastin e falimentimit te Orange Country, Califo rni, ne fundin e viteve 1990, kur miliarda dollare u konsideruan te humbura si investime ne aksione me risk te larte, ose ne abuzim te pushtetit nga vartesit, nje kritike e adresuar kjo deri tek Shefi i Policise se L.A ne v.1980, si dhe kundra Presidenteve Regan dhe Nixon.Esenca e lidershipit shpesh konsiderohet aftesia per te levizur njerezit ne drejtime te reja, orientimi i tyre ne vende qe ata nuk e dinin se kishin deshire apo nevoje qe te shkonin. Lidere te tille ushtrojne lidershipin moral. Ata perdorin bustin e tyre per te arritur lidershipin moral, si dhe poziten qe kane si nje bully pulpit (predikim tirani), ashtu sic e shprehte kete gje edhe Presidenti Theodore Roosvelt. Lideret e pazakonshem kane aftesine qe te frymezojne stafin dhe me pas te punojne se bashku per te vjele frytet e perbashketa te punes se tyre. Guvernatori Mike Leavitt i Utahut eshte nje shembull i mire. Ai u zgjodh kohet e fundit si Zyrtari Publik i Vitit nga revista Govening duke u bazuar tek menyra e li dershipit te tij si dhe tek frymezimi qe ai i dha shtetit.Ne kontrast te thelle, kur nje lider si p.sh., nje president humb lidershipin moral, aftesia per te frymezuar pasuesit me nje vizion per te ardhmen bie ne agoni. Presidenti Clinton dikur u shpreh teper qarte duke projektuar nje vizion te orientimit te kombit permes nje ure drejt shekullit te XXI-te, por gabimi qe ai beri ne gjykimin (aspektin) moral minoi aftesine e tij per te frymezuar kombin ne ndertimin e kesaj ure ose ne kapercimin e saj nen lidershipin e tij.TRAJTIMET E ORIENTUARA DREJT LIDERSHIPITLidershipi ne organizata administrative ushtrohet nga manaxheret e agjensive apo te departamenteve. Ne kete menyre lidershipi ushtrohet brenda nje ndarjeje te vecante ose situate organizative. Konteksti organizativ ndikon stilin e lidershipit ashtu sic ben edhe personaliteti dhe backgroundi i ketij te fundit mbi vete organizaten. Eshte pikerisht ky kontekst organizativ qe ndikon ne legjitimitetin e liderit. Se sa mire karakteri stikat dhe aftesite e liderit ndikojne ne arritjen arritjen e qellimeve organizative e tregon kontributi ose shmangia nga llogjika e legjitimitetit me te cilen pershtatet manaxheri. Ne manaxhimin e nje agjensie, funksionet e nje lidershipi janePerkufizimi i synimeve dhe i misionit te agjensise.Te shikohet si mesherimi institucional i qellimeve te organizates.Te mbroje integritetin e organizates, dheTe vendose rregullin gjate konflikteve te brendeshme.Lidershipi i diskutuar ne kontekstin e nje agjensie qeveritare perfshin tre nivele te dallueshme te pergjegjesise dhe te kontrollitTeknike.Manaxheriale.Institucionale.Ne nivelin teknik, lideri i agjensise trajton problemet qe kane te bejne me rritjen e efektivitetit te performances se funksionit teknik, duke e pare kete tek aksioma trains forge on time. Lidershipi ne nivelin manaxherial perfshin ndermjetesimin midis niveleve me te ulta te agjensise dhe atyre qe i perdorin keto sherbime apo perfitime burimesh te nevojshme per te realiz uar funksionet e veta te rendesishme si blerja, marrja me qera, apo operacione te tjera te pergjithshme. Ne nivel institucional, lidershipi merret me zhvillimin e politikave afat-gjata dhe me sigurimin dhe mbeshtetjen e nivelit me te larte per te arritur synimet e agjensise.Shefat ekzekutive te zgjedhur shpesh mbeshteten ne stafe mjaft te gjera per te udhehequr organizatat e medha. Presidenti i U.S p.sh., mbeshtetet ne stafet e agjensive te ndryshme te EOP dhe te Shtepise se Bardhe per te manaxhuar degen ekzekutive. Presidenca institucionale bashkon ne kete menyre qindra anetare stafesh. P.sh., ne vitet e fundit stafi i Shtepise se Bardhe ka me shume se sa 500 anetare, (605 gjate administrimit te Presidentit George H. Bush, 511 gjate Presidentit Clinton), dhe EOP-ja e ka zgjeruar stafin me 1,600 anetare. Shtetet e medha kane ngjashmerisht stafe te krahasueshme dhe mbeshtetje te deges ekzekutive per zyrat e guvernatoreve te tyre. P.sh., dega ekzekutive e Californise ka me shume se sa 276,000 te punesuar qe mbulohen nga sherbimi i tij civil, ndersa guvernatori emeron me shume se sa 2,500 poste te ndryshme. Anetaret e Komisionit Special jane gjithashtu te emeruar te Guvernatorit.Dega ekzekutive e Californias ka nje strukture dege qe eshte tipike per shumicen e shteteve. Zyra e guvernatorit ne Californi sidoqofte, ilustron tipin e guvernatorit te forte, dhe pozicioni i tij ne hierarkine burokratike i siguron atij nje baze strukturore te konsiderueshme qe mund te ndihmoje nje lider te forte.LIDERSHIPI DHE MANAXHIMIDy studiues te lidershipit Robert Tannenbaum dhe Warren Schmidt, kane trajtuar dhe zhvilluar nje vazhdimesi te sjelljes se lidershipit, e cila lidh rolin ose stilin e lidershipit me sjelljen e me sjelljen e manaxherit. Figura 2 prezanton vazhdimesine e sjelljes manaxher-jomanaxher. Ata argumentojne se lidershipi eshte me efektiv kur manaxheri ka nje vizion dhe adapton nje stil te pershtatshem te lidershipit ndaj agjensise qe po manaxhohet.Nje rast i mire per kete eshte ai i me Kryetarin e Bashkise Jim discharge ne Shelby County (Tennessee), i cili sherbeu si zyrtar konteje per me shume se sa 20 vjet. Ne v.1998, family u ngaterrua ne nje diskutim te nxehte mbi menyren e administrimit (te aneksimit ose bashkimit) te nje zone (krahine). Polemikat e cuan ate qe te kuptonte se sa e rendesishme ishte qe te adaptohej nje pikepamje rajonale. Ai kishte qene nje Komisioner i Kontese per 16 vjet, pas nje karriere te suksesshme ne biznes, kur u zgjodh Kryetar i Bashkise se Kontese Shelby ne v.1994. Ne levizjen per tu rizgjedhur ne v.1998, subject trajtoi problemet rajonale ne pjesen me qendrore te fushates se tij. Duke fituar me nje diference te thelle, ai ndoqi linjen duke organizuar ne vend Konferencen Kalimi i Kufirit dhe duke fituar ndihmen e guvernatoreve te Tennessee, Arkansas, dhe Mississippit per te krijuar Aleancen e Guvernatoreve per Ekselence Rajonale.Zhvendosja e Rout ne perspektive erdhi pasi Legjislatura e Tennesseeit miratoi n je ligj qe beri me te lehte per qytetet ekzistuese bashkimin ne shtete te reja. Nje fluks ankesash erdhi vecanerisht nga zona e Memphisit, duke u ndjekur nga shtete ekzistuese qe kishin shpresuar te aneksonin territore te reja, por qe deshtuan ne deshirat e tyre per zgjerim. Rout kuptoi qe rajoni duhej qe te shihte pertej kufizimeve tradicionale te shtetit, kufijve te kontese, dhe madje kufijve te mbare shtetit per tu ballafaquar realisht me ceshtjen.Mendimi ne grup eshte nje problem i vecante i lidhur me shefat ekzekutive dhe agjensite e stafit manaxherial si dhe me njesite qe u sherbejne atyre, vecanerisht kur jane perfshire kolektivisht ne manaxhimin e krizave ose te situatave vendim-marrese. Deshira e forte ose nevoja per konsensus rreth menyres se manaxhimit te krizave priret te beje qe manaxheret e stafit tu thone liderave te agjensise vetem ate cka ata mendojne se do tu pelqente ketyre te fundit. Mendimi ne grup shpesh con ne katastrofe te vendim-marrjes per shkak se lideri n uk mund te drejtoje efektivisht nje agjensi kur informacioni mbi nje problem eshte i paplote, ose ne rastin me te keq, i transformuar vecanerisht gjate krizave kur shefi ekzekutiv nuk sheh dallime, nuk degjon kundershtime, ndersa stafi nuk propozon asnje alternative tjeter vec konsensusit.Lideret e agjensive efektive bashkojne te gjithe anetaret e organizates dhe i orientojne ata ne nje drejtim te ri te qendrueshem dhe koherent per te arritur synimet dhe objektivat e organizates. Boxi 4 tregon nje rast te nje lidershipi te tille. Nje tjeter shembull i nje lideri efektiv ne nivel lokal eshte George Sinnott. Aftesia e tij per ta transformuar Sherbimin Civil te Departamentit te Shtetit te N.Y ne ndjekje te planit reformues te tij eshte cmuar si nje model qartesie dhe zgjidhjeje. Suksesi i tij reflekton ne permbajtje nje shqetesim natyral per njerezit si dhe aftesine e tij per te frymezuar stafin e agjensise qe te ndjeke lidershipin e tij. Kutia 5 pershkruan perpjekjet dhe rezultatet e Sinnottit.KERKIMET PER TIPARE DHE KARAKTERISTIKA LIDERSHIPIPer te qene me te vertete efektive, lideret e burokracive te gjera (te medha ne numer), duhet qe te sjellin koherence per shume aktivitete brenda nje agjensie. Per shume studiues, celesi per tek lidershipi gjendet ne karakteristikat ose tiparet qe sjell lideri tek kjo detyre, ndersa studiues te tjere pershkruajne se cfare permban teoria e tipareve. Sipas tyre eshte besimi ose supozimi se lidershipi bazohet ne karakteristika unike, cilesi ose karakteristika qe i kane lideret dhe qe i aftesojne ata qe te marrin persiper pergjegjesite. Besimi ne teorine e tipareve (karakteristikave) supozon se ekziston cilesia e lidershipit te lindur, nje supozim qe solli lindjen e kerkimeve per aftesi lidershipi si dhe per dicka tjeter te nje tradite brenda administrates publike. Autoret e kesaj teorie perpiqen qe te dallojne dhe te pershkruajne tiparet dhe karakteristikat esenciale te te gjithe lidereve te mire.Per disa kohe dhe me se shumti perpara Luftes se Dyte Boterore, studiuesit e administrimit publik qe interesoheshin per aspektet e lidershipit te atyre qe manaxhonin burokracite e gjera, supozuan se lideret kishin dhunti ose cilesi qe i veconin ata nga te tjeret qe i pasonin. Ata besonin se lideret lindnin te tille. Lideret kishin karizem, dhe lidershipi i tyre bazohej me shume tek personaliteti i tyre se sa tek pozitat formale te lidershipit apo ne ndonje autoritet racional apo ligjor. Sugjerohen shume tipare apo cilesi, duke perfshire edhe keto te dymbedhjetaNdonje marreveshje se cilat tipare ishin ekzaktesisht esenciale per nje lidership te mire nuk pati. Te gjitha keto karakteristika jane te dobishme per nje lider, por asnje grup karakteristikash nuk mund te demonstrohej teorikisht si esenciale.Qe nga v.1960, rendesia mbi karakteristikat eshte pare gjithmone e me shume si e vjeteruar. Faktore te tjere jane pare qe te jene te pakten po aq sa ose edhe me te rendesishem se sa cdo cilesi personale e liderit. Dis a nga cilesite e sugjeruara me lart si esenciale mund te shihen si kunderproduktive ne disa kontekste. Marrim p.sh., aftesite teknike. Qeveria ka vleresuar prej kohesh kompetencen teknike midis atyre qe jane zgjedhur per pozicionin e lidershipit ne agjensite administrative. Arsimtaret, punonjesit e shendetit publik, aeronautika dhe inxhinjeret e hapesires, kontabilistet publike, e keshtu me rradhe, ishin konsideruar nevojtare te nje grade te ekspertizes teknike per te udhehequr nje agjensi. Mbikqyresit e agjensive te tilla kishin nevojen e nje grade te ekspertizes teknike per te fituar respektin e vartesve ne menyre te tille qe asnje jo-teknik nuk mund ta arrinte. Studiues te tjere i konsideruan cilesi te tilla ne disa raste edhe jofunksionale. Organizatat e medha shpesh udhehiqeshin ne menyre joefektive nga mbikqyres te cilet shfaqnin sindromen e specialistit. Si bestseller i v. 1970 punimi Parimi i Piterit, verejti se mesuesi me i mire nuk perben domosdoshmeisht nje parim te mire. Kontabilisti me i mire, me i sakte dhe me i fiksuar pas detajeve, mund te jete nje manaxher i keq per koleget e tij te tjere. Ose p.sh., nje kerkues i shkelqyer ne mjeksi mund te jete nje manaxher i keq per agjensine e kerkimeve mjeksore. Sindroma e specialistit mund te udheheqe mbikqyresin qe te mbivleresoje disa aktivitete dhe te degjoje disa njerez me shume se sa te tjeret. Nje mbikqyresi te tille mund ti mungoje objektiviteti per ta pare perspektiven si teresore dhe ne unitet, gje e cila i nevojitet se tepermi nje administratori te pergjithshem. Ky arsyetim pranon thenien se eksperti duhet qe te jete on tap dhe jo on top.Vendosmeria eshte sugjeruar shpesh si cilesi qe dallon shpesh lideret efektive. Ende mjaft lidere te shquar ne qeveri dhe ne sipermarrje private shprwehen se neqoftese ka ndonje dyshim per ate se cfare duhet bere, atehere mencuria e manaxherit nuk sjell gje ne drite. Dhe megjithese karizma mund te jete pozitive ne shume drejtime, ajo mund te bllokoje dukshem di sa sfida dhe keshilla te rendesishme te vartesve dhe te rrise rrezikun e vendim-marrjes nga mendimi ne grup.Me se shumti ne ditet e sotme, lidershipi eshte konsideruar si parashtrues, si nderveprim midis individeve. Douglas McGregori thekson se lidershipi eshte nje marredhenie qe perfshin kater variabla kryesoreKarakteristikat e liderit.Qendrimet, nevojat dhe karakteristika te tjera personale te pasuesve.Karakteristikat e organizates te tilla si qellimi i saj, struktura dhe natyra e detyrave te realizuara, dheMjedisi social, ekonomik dhe politik brenda se ciles operon organizata.Ky eshte nje kerkim dhe nje gjetje e rendesishme. Kjo do te thote se lidershipi nuk eshte nje accustomed e individi, por nje marredhenie komplekse qe gjendet midis ketyre variablave.LIDERSHIPI NDERVEPRUES (TRANSACTIONAL LEADERSHIP)Nje tjeter pikpamje e lidershipit thekson jo cilesite apo karakteristikat personale te liderit, por ceshtjen kryesore, si u vendos nje lidership i tille? Trajtimi drejt nje liders hipi transactional lidhet dhe ka te beje me menyren se si lideri fiton besueshmeri (kredibilitet). Kjo lidhet me njohjen nga organizata te faktit se lideri eshte kompetent ne perdorimin e pushtetit te tij dhe te komandimit te burimeve te saj. Sipas kesaj teorie liderat klasifikohen ne tre tipe autoritar, demokratik, dhe laissez-faire. Lideret autoritare jane te orientuar nga detyra dhe perpiqen qe te vendosin te gjitha politikat, te vendosin te gjitha detyrat, dhe te kritikojne personalisht vartesit. Grupet e udhehequra ne menyre autoritare ishin me agresive ne sjellje dhe me pak te kenaqur, por me prodiktivitet te larte. McGregor pa se agjensite e drejtuara nga lidere demokrate ishin me te kenaqur dhe produktive. Grrupet e udhehequra nga lidere te tipit laissez-faire shfaqnin kenaqesi dhe produktivitet te ulet.Ky trajtim supozon se lideret mund te trajnohen per te vepruar ne menyra te vecanta qe jane me te pershtatshme per agjensine, nje besim ky qe shpesh eshte provuar te jete asg je me shume se sa nje mendim plot urime. Lideret qe ndjekin seminare trajnuese per lidershipin shfaqin shpesh ndryshime te vogla ne sjellje. Ne fakt, nje agjensi e tere duhet qe ti adaptohet ndryshimeve, dhe jo vetem disa punonjes te caktuar. Ne boten reale lideret aplikojne stile te ndryshme, ne varesi te kushteve dalluese dhe te konteksteve situacionale.Organizatat, ashtu si dhe individet, mund te shikohen edhe ne aspektin e ciklit jetesor, apo si pershkruese te fazave dhe periudhave te ndryshme. Se cfare stili lidershipi eshte i pershtatshem per organizaten mund te influencohet jo vetem nga natyra e pergjithshme e organizates (qe do te thote me shume apo me pak hierarkike, me shume ose me pak punonjes profesioniste, me shume ose me pak teknike apo e pergjithshme ne sherbimet dhe ne detyrat e saj), por gjithashtu edhe nga kalimi ne cdo enervate apo periudhe brenda ciklit jetesor te organizates. Figura 3 paraqet grafikisht ciklin organizativ jetesor.Se sa i hapur apo i mbyllur esh te nje lider ndaj influences se keshilltareve reflekton jo vetem personalitetin dhe tiparet e liderit por gjithashtu edhe kufizimet institucionale dhe aspektet e struktures organizative. Presidenca e U.S pershembull, eshte ne kohen e sotme teresisht e institucionalizuar. Pushteti dhe influenca brenda presidences reflektojne natyren e saj te institucionalizuar. Kush ka hapesire dhe influence eshte pjeserisht i vendosur nga ku pozicionohet individi brenda struktures institucionale. LIDERSHIPI TRANSFORMUESNje tjeter perspektive apo trajtim drejt lidershipit eshte quajtur lidership transformues. Termi i referohet lidereve qe perpiqen te ndryshojne kulturen e agjensise si dhe synimet e saj. Ky trajtim thekson se nje organizate reflekton zotesine e liderit per te zhvilluar nje vizion te bazuar ne vlera per organizaten, dhe ta konvertoje ate vizion ne realitet duke e ruajtur ate ne kohe. Aty ku lidershipi transaksional thekson ndryshimin incremental (rrites), lidershipi transformues thekso n ndryshimin radikal organizativ. Per te implementuar te tilla ndryshime lideri duhet qe te zhvilloje dhe te shese nje vizion te ri strategjik tek njesite e agjensise si dhe tek lojtaret kyc.Lidershipi transformues thekson edhe aspektin e Njeriut te Madh te lidershipit duke u fokusuar edhe nje here mbi influencen individuale te liderit mbi organizaten. Figura 4 ilustron lidershipin transformues, i cili fokusohet mbi sjelljen e te dyve, pra te liderit dhe te pasuesve ne organizate, ne menyre qe lideri ta transformoje ate ne menyre te suksesshme. Levizja e rikonturimit qeveritar e diskutuar me perpara perfshin shume nga trajtimet e lidershipit transformues. Keto trajtime per lidershipin pranojne qe lideret manaxhojne organizata me nje shumellojshmeri stilesh, vecanerisht kur ata kerkojne qe te transformojne organizatat e tyre. Ne vazhdim do te analizohen stilet alternative te lidershipit lideri si drejtor, motivues, koordinator, pershpejtues (katalizator), zedhenes, dhe manaxher kriz ash.STILET E LIDERSHIPITFokusi mbi menyren se si lideri i cfaqet agjensise qe ai udheheq, natyrshem sjell pyetjen se cfare stili lidershipi eshte i pershtatshem per cdo organizate te vecante? Cfare funksionon mire tek nje organizate ushtarake, tek nje repart policie, apo zjarrfikesi p.sh., mund te jete shume me pak e pershtatshme per nje njesi arsimore apo shendetsore.DREJTORINje nga stilet e lidershipit eshte ai i drejtorit. Ky stil thekson funksionin e lidershipit duke sjelle koherencen per shume aktivitete qe kryhen ne menyre tipike dhe qe rezultojne te behen ne departamente te medha dhe komplekse. Lideri sipas stilit te drejtorit kerkon qe te perputhe synimet personale te anetareve te organizates, apo synimet e nen-njesive me synimet teresore organizative. Ne kete rast lideri perdor si bindjen direkte edhe ate indirekte per te reduktuar dhe zvogeluar konfliktet, dhe shpenzon mjaft kohe, energji dhe burime per te siguruar mbeshtetjen e duhur ne funksion te realizimit te synimeve teresore te agjensise. Lideret kane nevoje qe te kene nje vizion te qarte te perkushtimit ndaj atyre synimeve, te cilat konsiderohen si percaktuese te cdo objektivi personal. Lideri si drejtor kerkon arritjen e nje konsensusi te gjere midis anetareve te organizates dhe ceshtjeve ekzekutive, per te artikuluar qarte konsensusin mbi qellimet dhe objektivat e pergjitheshme.MOTIVUESINje stil tjeter eshte lideri si motivues. Lideret si motivues merren me cilesine e mbikqyrjes face-to-face, me perfitimet dhe nxitesit konkrete, si dhe me perdorimin e interesave reale te detyrave per te motivuar punonjesit.Douglas McGregor pershkruan supozimet e trajtimeve te Teorise Y ne sherbim te manaxhimit, e cila dukshem perfshin stilin e motivimit te lidershipit.Shpenzimi i perpjekjes fizike dhe mendore ne pune eshte po aq i natyrshem sa edhe loja apo pushimi. Njeriu normal nuk e mospelqen punen ne menyre te trashegueshme. Ne varesi te kushteve te kontrollueshme, puna mund te jete burim kenaqesie ose n je burim ndeshkimi.Kontrolli i jashtem dhe rreziku i ndeshkimit nuk jane te vetmet mjete qe te orientojne drejt objektivave organizative. Njerezit do te ushtrojne vete-drejtim dhe vete-kontroll ne sherbim te objektivave per te cilat ata jane te angazhuar.Dedikimi ndaj objektivave eshte nje funksion i vleresimeve qe lidhen me arritjet e tyre. Vleresimet me domethenese p.sh., kenaqja e egos nevojat vete-aktualizuese, mund te jene produkte direkte te perpjekjeve njerezore te orientuara tek arritja e synimeve organizative.Njeriu mesatar meson, ne kushte te pershtatshme, jo vetem per te pranuar por gjithashtu per te kerkuar pergjegjshmeri. Shmangia e pergjegjesise, mungesa e ambicjes, lakmia e sigurise, jane pergjithesisht konseguenca te eksperiences dhe nuk jane karakteristika njerezore te trashegueshme.Kapaciteti per te ushtruar nje nivel relativisht te larte imagjinate, gjenialiteti dhe krijimtarie ne funksion te zgjidhjes se problemeve organizative eshte gjeresisht, dhe jo ngushtesis ht e shperndare ne popullate.Nen kushtet e jetes moderne industriale, potenciali intelektual i individit mesatar eshte vetem pjeserisht i perdorur.Keto ide supozojne qe kufijte e bashkepunimit njerezor ne organizata nuk rezultojne nga natyra njerezore por nga gjenialiteti i manaxherit, (ose ne te kundert nga mungesa e tij), per te vene ne funksionim potencialet e burimeve njerezore te agjensise. Nese punonjesit jane dembele, indiferente, pa deshire per te marre persiper pergjegjesi, intransigjente, jokreative dhe mos-bashkepunues, atehere Teoria Y e gjen shkakun tek metodat manaxheriale te organizimit dhe te kontrollit. Kutia 6 diskuton mbi nje lider motivues ne nivel lokal William A.Jonson Jr., Kryetari i Bashkise se Rochesterit, N.Y. Ai udhehoqi nje ringjallje te qytetit nepermjet nje ekspozimi te nje vizioni te qarte te asaj se cfare qyteti do te mund te ishte duke angazhuar gjeresisht interesa te ndryshme te qytetit per te pranuar ate vizion dhe per te punuar se bashku arritjen e tij. Rezultoi nje nivel i dallueshem i ri-angazhimit civil, qe perfshiu rigjallerimin e downtown-it, ri-gjallerimin e brigjeve lumore, qendrave te komunitetit, dhe me zgjerimin e programeve te te rinjve. Levizja rigjalleruese u perhap pertej qytetit tek rrethinat e shkollave lokale dhe tek nje perpjekje ekonomike rajonale te administrates se kontese. Kryetari i Bashkise Jonson paraqet modelin e lidershipit transformues te pershkruar ne Figuren 4.KOORDINATORINje tjeter stil eshte lideri si koordinator. Ky stil pranon qe roli i lidershipit ne nje organizate komplekse eshte qe te koordinoje dhe te integroje funksionet dhe detyrat e ndryshme te anetareve te stafit te nen-njesive teper te specializuara, duke e bere organizaten qe te pershta

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Education and Globalization

Education and globalizationGlobalization brings umteen changes to nations lives tot all in ally all over the world. There are s of all timeal definitions of globalization however the Merriam-Webster sum is as follows. Globalization is the process by which businesses and other organizations develop international influence or start op dateting on an international scale. From unsteady kind norms around the globe to changing how countries do business, technological advances, and intensify competition in the workforce, as well as, the cultivational field effectuate of globalization are everywhere and far reaching (Carnoy, 2002).Globalization effect education all over the world. For example, due to intricate technological advances some(prenominal) jobs score been digitized. This means that the dexterity set thats required for jobs have changed dramatically. Subsequently, jobs that could at one time be sustained by someone with a high check diploma or less have disappeared . These global and economic changes display case shifts in the job market and are essentially changing what is ask from the education system. We now need to prepare students for jobs that require different skill sets. Employees must now be knowledgeable on exotic languages, agricultures, and overall way of business to be successful in their career. For the most vocalization the United States has been a leader in education compared to other countries. organism the first country to achieve mass collegiate education, the United States of the States always had the highest number of qualified people in its labor force. This is how the American economy was able to thrive and take advantage of the global market. alone does this globalization led to development or division in education? (Welch Mok, 2003) Well, in recent years countries around the world have refocused on expanding education, many of the subtileer, more impoverished countries actually functional together to do so. Since graduating high naturalize is now the standard in most countries, many are now setting goals to increase the number of college attendees even working with the United Nations to provide education for all countries Although the United States has a greater number of older workers that are well better, many other countries have a greater number of young workers with college degrees. Nonetheless, with more high school graduates chasing college degrees and older people pursuing higher education after so many years of being out of school this is changing too. slew of all ages are pursuing higher education all over the world and with education standards changing as well, we are truly spirit in an era like never before. We are all preparing for an merged world that globalization has brought to us and education is just one small stepping stone for the high skill economy of the prox (Young 1998, Brown et al. 2001).The emergence importance of education is more than wanting(p) our citizens to be smart. Countries are wanting their citizens to get educated in order to build for a future in which we are one global citizen class that works together economically and otherwise to grow our countries. This can help with foreign indemnity and international business transactions and trades. To be knowledgeable of a original country is to be more accepting and understanding of said countries culture and beliefs. Appearing welcoming and friendly to different cultures will attract investments from foreign countries. This will boost the countrys economy (see OECD 1998, Campbell 2000). With a larger economy a countries revenue with increase and strengthen the country (ideally). This is a nonher reason wherefore the quality of education is so important.While education systems all over the world are working on improving and developing sassy ways to teach people there is another way people are gaining more and more knowledge in today society. The internet. not only is the use of computers and the internet now more common in the classroom it has also grown more common in nonchalant life (Martin Carnoy, 1999, pp.15-17). By using the internet society has access to different kinds of information instantaneously. This sheds gaining knowledge for students as well as non-students easier and faster than ever before. This is great when used as a means for students struggling to moil course material or current concepts, but with such a wide variety of information available, and it is important learners are able to hear between dependable and untrustworthy resources. However for countries such as china or Iran who have limited to no access online this can make a learning different concepts or gaining certain knowledge unenviable because their governments often block or edit information. Therefore citizens of those countries or countries exchangeable may actually have a skewed since of the truth because not all information is given to them. In a way thi s widens the opening move between the education progress of a developed country and an develop country/country who may be banned from viewing certain material. With technological advances making their way all around the globe (globalization), in conclusion all countries will have access to any information they desire.Globalization is a powerful and important process that influences economies, education systems, politics, and even social customs. With a growing sense of oneness or we are all global citizens in one world outlooks, globalizations positive and increasing relate on education and societies growing desire to become more educated is obvious.REFERENCESGlobalization. (n.d.). Retrieved March 22, 2017, from https//www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/globalizationLloyd, C., Payne, J. (2003). The political economy of skill and the limits of educational policy. Journal of Educational Policy, 18(1), 85-107.Pang. N. S. (2013). Globalization in the one world Impacts on education in different nations. BCES Conference Proceedings, 11, 17-27.Suarez-Orozco, M. (2007).Learning in the global era International perspectives on globalization and education. Berkeley, CA University of California Press, Ltd.

Total quality management and service

list timberland management and assist there ar many ways you notify explain smell, for example serve up or product which meets or passs the expectations of its consumers is cognize as Quality Product or avail. Product step and usefulness Quality plays were important role in Hospitality Industry because if you exceed your Guest Expectation they will surly come back to you and they vll in any case recommend you to their friends and family, which will attach the business. Hospitality Industry is hit the sackn for their Products and Service and so it is important for them to maintain and gradu aloney increase there attribute according to their customers need.Defination Of QualityAccording to Oxford Dictionary Quality mess define as a degree of ExcellenceJurans defins Quality as seaworthiness for intended use the defination says that Quality is meeting or exceeding customer expectations.Ref http//www.shsu.edu/mgt_ves/mgt481/ littleon1/lesson1.htmExample If the Guest St ays in the 5 star hotel property, he is quite sure of the products and service he is going to consider from them, and if the hotel is successful in providing expected service that means they have accustomed the thickening pure tone service and products.According to Deming- Quality should be aimed at the needs of the consumer, present and future.Ref http//www.balancedscorecard.org/TheDemingCycle/tabid/112/Default.aspxExample In the hotels there are guest who vist same property more offently may be e rattling month, hotel should keep the record of their special needs such as what eccentric of room they prefer, any special dietary requirement, any special products they similar having in there room for eg. Fridge, fan etc. And providing any the record needs of the guest on his every vist, i called as Quality Service and Product.Both the definition have almost same essence that is quality can altogether be graspd if the guest is satisfied with the service and products.Accordi ng to me Getting good Service or Product for less amount is qualityFor Example For me staying in BB is more satisfying than a big property because you get all basic things and service in very low price than a big hotel.Difference betwixt Product Quality And Service QualityProduct QualityService QualityProduct Quality can be owned erst purched.For eg, booking of room in a hotel.Service Quality can only be Experienced as Good or badnessFor Eg, food service joinn on table.Product quality,is not strung-out on service qualityService Quality is dependent on Product QualityIt is Tangible, for eg it can be seenIt is Non tangible, can only be experiencedIt is capital based, for eg. Room s, food,It is labour based, staff can only give serviceProduct Quality can remain constant.For eg. room remain sameService Quality can not be constant.For eg. Depends on nature of staff when he is giving service.It includes features( eg food, interior etc), defects(a/c in room is not working)It include s Delivery Time( providing service on give clip), Knowledge of Delivery( can give explanation about what is served to the guest)The above assumption points shows us that both Product Quality and Service Quality plays very important role in hospitality industry. If both the qualities are soundly balance by any company they can easy achieve their goals. From customers point of view both qulaities are important. For Example if a luxuries hotel, providing all facitiles to the guest but cant provide service according guest expectation, than its sure that guest vll not come again.Implementing Quality ModelThere are different types quality mildews available now such as, Total Quality Management, EFQM, Balbridge Award, Continuous Professional Development (CPD), sextette Sigma, ISO 9000, Bench scar and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) this quality types are facilitatory to almost all different organization.Hilton KensingtonSix Sigma is an very important model in ho spitality industry Six Sigma is very important model in Hospiality Management, Hilton Hotels have used this model, the model helps every organization to increase revenue, it increases customer loyalty, it also reduce cost,To maintain optimal inventory Hilton hotel as good records of their inventory, there is perfect count of all equipments used in restaurant, in kitchen also chef has proper count of all the food items needed, figuring of equipments are done on first-string basis. In restaurant and otherwise department of hotel trainings are accustomed to all staff about things required in there specific departments, by which staff has good noesis about their inventories.Minimize wastage/pilferage In every department of the Hilton hotel there is very low wastage because of trainings they get from the department heads. For example in front mapping all the paper which are used are recycled, all the peeing bottles which are opened and which has water in it remaining are brought in restaurant and are used in break strong, it helps lot of wastage.Reduce the time staff of department get all required trainings on regular basis from department manager and also from GM, they are told how to work fast and effectively, for example if the front office staff are trainined with latest softwares, and establishment they can check in the guest quickly and so Hilton has all training which helps to reduce the time.Hilton hotel keeps record of every staff and the training they received, which helps them know how will knowledge the staff is.ConclusionIn the above given report I have disscussed about different definitions of quality in the Hospitality industry and the various quality theories developed by the quality gurus like Deming and Juran. The report also mentions the difference between service quality and product quality. I have also disscussed about use of Six Segma in Hilton London Kensington.BibliographyWebsiteshttp//www.businessballs.com/dtiresources/quality_ma nagement_gurus_theories.pdfRef http//www.shsu.edu/mgt_ves/mgt481/lesson1/lesson1.htmhttp//www.balancedscorecard.org/TheDemingCycle/tabid/112/Default.aspxInterviewsMr stephane FB Manger, Hilton London Kensington, Date 1 oct 2009Mr Daniell practicable manager , Hilton London kensington, Date 2 oct 2009BooksThere were no oneness book on Quality Management In the Library So could not reffer from books

Friday, March 29, 2019

What Is a City?

What Is a City?What properties characterizes a urban center? The exposition of the term city is some what ambiguous. Our modern definition merely describes the material characteristics of a city. However, I deliberate the definition has passed many ordeals to evolve into the present-day(prenominal) state as I will explain the few much popular explanations for What is a city? Firstly, a city has the property of proximity where there are educational institutions, entertainment, medical facilities, friends and family etc with a good pedestal transcription. Businesses enterprises will often situate themselves in a centralized hub where they feed access to labour forces while being close to markets therefore it makes daily commuting between residences and workplaces (Filion Bunting, 2006, pg.5) possible.Mumford, on the other hand describes a city as a geographic plexus, an economic organization, an institutional process, a domain of social action, and an aesthetic symbol of c ollective unity (Mumford, 2007, pg.87) by steering on the social needs rather than physical structure. This means that art, politics, education, doctor only serves to make the drama much richly significant, as a tier-set, well-designed, intensifies and underlines the gestures of the actors and the action of the play (Mumford, 2007, pg.87).Contrasting Mumfords concept with Wirths, one observes a more focused perspective on urbanism and its effect on our quality of life. Wirth defines a city as a relatively large, dense, and permanent settlement of socially heterogeneous individuals (Wirth, 2007, pg.90). His argument is that the greater the number of individuals participating in a interaction process, the greater the potential differentiation is between them. These variations segregate individuals gibe to color, race, ethnic, social status and preferences. Although we are physically close, our social contacts are distant, which results in the declining significance of the family the disappearance of the neighborhood and the undermining of the traditional basis of social solidarity.after much consultation from scholars, the question What is a City? is still unenviable to answer. On basic observation, a city can simply be a workplace as suggested by Filion Bunting. However I believe a city is a much more complex crew of hierarchies, both the physically and the socially, as Mumford and Wirth stated. A city is the organized interconnection between the site and structure and its people. Such as, the city needs a water system, different variety of jobs to offer its people, a governing system but these systems cannot operate without the people its accommodating, which is how it all connects and flows like a stage with its actors just like in Mumfords theatre. The city is a mere organisation of the people who reside in it. It is only a city, as great as its residence will give the name and credibility in the social and physical hierarchy.Work CitedBunting, Tr udi. Canadian Cities in Transition, trey Edition. Canada Oxford, 2006.Mumford, Lewis What is a City? In The City Reader, Fourth Edition, eds. R. Legates and F. Stout, 85-89. London Routledge, 2007.Wirth, Louis Urbanism as a Way of Life. In The City Reader, Fourth Edition, eds. R. Legates and F. Stout, 90-97. London Routledge, 2007.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Governments Responsibility on the Environment

Governments Responsibility on the EnvironmentOur modern days mart system is has put so much attention on its profit that it seems to have forgotten its social responsibility. Because of the increased production by the unalike merchandises and their attempt to keep with the competition, the environment has been very much affected. There atomic number 18 many stories in the newspapers and the news about world(a) warming and other environmental hazards which have been as a result of the increased market productions a good example is the much talked BP oil spill in the deep waters. This not only a show that the market is not careful while producing but it as well as shows that it has no much connect on the environment. This is where the regimen should come in.It is thus true that the todays government has a role to play in regulating and managing the environment we live in because the market system tends to ignore the environmental fallouts that have resulted in global warming is sues. This is because the environment is like a public good which might not belong top someone specifically but is consumed every bit by everybody. Unless there is a strong unity within the firms, thence the environment entrust continue to disintegrate separately day because each firm volition concentrate on maximizing profits at the expense of the environment leaders horizontal to more global warming.Kevin Michael Rudd, is the accredited prime minister in Australia. He is also a attraction of his set outy. According to him, climate change is the greatest moral, economic and social contest of our time. His intention is cut outpouring of green house fluffes by 60% before the year 2050. he signed the Kyoto Protocol immediately afterwards being sworn in as elevation Minister. In declination of the year 2008, he released a paper, commonly known as a White Paper which talked a bout reducing Australias greenhouse gas emissions. The paper talked about putting up an emission trading plot in the year 2010 but this has been delayed to be put up in the year 2011 probably because of the much criticism that it encountered. The emission trading turning away is also the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme and it estimated that the emission of green house gases would be less by a take between 5% and 15% in 2020 below the year 2000. Although Rudds government was not able to start an emission trading scheme as planned, it is trying to prove that it can meet its greenhouse gas lessening targets by rushing new energy efficient strategies. According to the Prime Minister, the government has made up its mind to extend the implementation of this scheme up to the year 2012. Despite of this delay, the Prime Minister insisted on the governments affiliatedness to this scheme. He merely brought an impression that if there was slowness in world-wide action, the scheme could either be delayed further or even abandoned. His spokes person said that the government would make the emissions trading scheme part of the legislation by 2013 if the international action is sufficient by then. This publication has brought a lot of debate within the Australian government.There is a ministerial task group which will report in June on the options which include new industrial and building capability measures and an energy efficiency trading scheme. There are also fuel efficiency regulations and keep for clean coal and solar projects but these are in all likelihood to be pre-elections announcements to make it look as if the government is still much committed to stacking with climate change and is also able to meet the reducing aim that it has made an international pledge to. There are however fears that the fight against global warming will have an economic core on many things. First, it is believe that it is probably that there will be more tax on everything. This will lead to increases in the set of meeting the countrys new policies on the environment. This is also considered that it could lead to the sending of a disastrous indication to the waving international climate talks. The country will have to pay a carbon bell in society to meet its target. The public is not ready to pay more to deal with global warming. The concern of the public comes in because it is likely that when the carbon price is introduced to the market, it will be passed to the consumers through high prices for the products. Despite of this, the majority division of the entire population are willing to pay a higher(prenominal) price for power in order to achieve this. The high prices in products could lead to cost push inflation within the country. The government is also likely to spend a lot of money in implementing these policies. This is likely to have a negative effect on economic gain as the changes will bring with them high cost. The high costs will lead to a less production lowering the GDP. In harm of unemployment, it is true that it will rise as a way of deliver on costs by the firms. All these parameters might only be affected in the short run but take a turn in the long term after the initial costs for the entire projects have been met. This means that a positive change is likely to be seen in the future after the implementation. What is important though is the particular that the emission of green house gases will go down leading to a cleaner and safer environment.ReferencesGan, A, King, S, Stonecash, R Mankin, N, 2009, Principles of economics, 4th edn, Cengage LearningJackson, J McIver, R 2007, Macroeconomics, 8th edn, McGraw Hillwww.csiro.au/resources/pfnt.html

Physics :: essays research papers fc

Physics1. a) light beam The spontaneous decay or disintegration of an unstable atomic nucleus accompanied by the firing off of radiation.b) atomic energy Energy set offd when atomic nuclei undergo a atomic reaction such as the spontaneous emission of radioactivity, nuclear nuclear fission, or nuclear fusion.c) background radiation relatively constant low-level radiation from environmental sources such as building materials, cosmic rays, and ingested radionucleides in the body.d) nuclear fission Atomic nuclear processes which involve the splitting of nuclei with the accompanying release of energy.e) nuclear fusion The nuclear process whereby several small nuclei ar combined to make a larger one whose mass is some smaller than the sum of the small ones.2. Two types of nuclear reactions can affirm nuclear energy. Nuclear fusion is a process in which both light nuclei combine to form a single heavier nucleus. Nuclear fission is a process in which a heavy nucleus splits into dick ens smaller nuclei.3. Alpha, Beta, and da Gamma radiation is wind when an unstable nucleus decays. Alpha particles ar made of 2 pro gross tons and 2 neutrons.This means that they have a raze of +2, and a mass of 4Alpha particles are relatively loosen up and heavy. They have a low penetrating place - you can break-dance them with just a sheet of paper.Be get to they have a large charge, alpha particles change another(prenominal) atoms strongly.Beta particles have a charge of disconfirming 1, and a mass of about 1/2000th of a proton. This means that of import particles are the same as an electron. They are fast, and light.Beta particles have a medium penetrating power - they are stopped by a sheet of aluminium or plastics such as perspex.Beta particles ionise atoms that they pass, but not as strongly as Alpha particles do.Gamma rays are waves, not particles. This means that they have no mass and no charge.Gamma rays have a high penetrating power - it takes a thick sheet of metal such as lead, or cover to reduce them significantly.Gamma rays do not directly ionise other atoms, although they may cause atoms to emit other particles which will then cause ionisation.4. Advantages of using nuclear energy instead of energy produced by fogy fuelsThe Earth has limited supplies of coal and oil. Nuclear power plants could still produce electricity after coal and oil become scarce. Nuclear power plants need less fuel than ones which burn fossil fuels. One ton of uranium produces more energy than is produced by several million tons of coal or several million barrels of oil.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Essay --

Taylor SiegelDecember 11, 2013Education is the most powerful weapon which you lowlife use to change the world is an inspirational quote said by Nelson Mandela. Unfortunately, many kids be being deprived of a proper education. excessively many kids are move out of school to take in their kindles profit money to support their families economic needs. Essentially, something must be done to attention these children get a better education. Too many kids are dropping out of school and something must be done to stop them. The familiar dropout rate is 2.2% and the New York dropout rate is 2.7% and that is too much. 40 percent of children who are suffering from poverty are not prepared for primary schools. immemorial school is very important because it prepares kids for later life. Kids who do not attend primary schools fall behind and have a lot of infliction catching up to the other students. Sometimes parents arent making plentiful money to pay for transportation or the paren ts get divorced and the parent in charge isnt working so one of the kids has to help support the family. Kids from low income...

The Diamond Essay -- Diamonds Jewelry

The baseball fieldDiamond is the best known gem. It is known as the king of gems for its brilliance and for world the hardest mineral on earth. (Foa, p.50) Its characteristics enable it to be used for many different purposes. Since diamonds are the hardest gems on Mohs scale, they make utile tools for industrial purposes, such as drilling hard materials. However, they are rather rare, which makes them very valuable. Their beauty and brilliance make them perfect for jewelry.Diamond is do up of atomic number 6. An other form of pure carbon is plumbago. Graphite is the immutable form of carbon, found at the earths come forward. Despite the feature that they cast identical chemical composition, the two minerals are drastically different. Diamond is the hardest known substance and is usually light colored and transparent, while black lead is greasy, easily grinded, and very dark in color. Diamond is the hardest gem on Mohs hardness scale and graphite is the softest. Diamond is very hard because of its intemperate packing and interlocking atomic arrangement. Graphite, on the other hand, although it is the same element, is more loosely packed and has a hexad-sided, layered configuration, which makes it soft (Pough, 1991). The differences amid graphite and diamonds are accounted for by the conditions in which they are created. Diamonds form over large periods of time, between 100 km and 200 km below the surface. At this great depth, carbon gets a chance to cool very gradually, forming diamond crystals. When volcanic eruptions occur, magma carries the diamonds up to the surface of the earth. Kimberlite lavas carrying diamonds erupt at anywhere between 10 and 30 km/hour and increase their velocity to some(prenominal) hundred km/hour within the last few kilometers. (Pough, 44) At the surface, this lava cools and perverts into Kimberlite rock. That is why diamonds are often found in kimberlite, a volcanic rock, which is often much younger than the diam onds themselves. All diamonds that are around straightaway are at least 990,000,000 years old. If the same element carbon found its way to the surface, before it got a chance to form crystals and solidify, it would turn into graphite.Diamond crystals occur in a variety of shapes and forms. There are octahedral, cubic, and dodecahedral diamond crystals. The octahedral crystals are formed with eight sides, the cubic ones have six sides, and the dodecahedra... ...es where mining takes place, high quality diamonds are non abundant at all. On the average, a diamond mine yields less than one carat of diamond for every five tons of rock. Of this, on average, less than 20% is usable for gems and half of this is lost in cutting. (Arem, p.37)In order to be used in jewelry, after diamonds are mined, they must be cut. Because diamonds have such a high hardness, they are cut using other diamonds. What allows them to be cut at all is the fact that they do not have uniform harness throughout t he entire stone. For example, the point of an octahedron is harder than the surface of an octahedral face. Therefore, when powdered diamond is used to cut a diamond crystal, the powder will always contain some particles that are oriented in a hard direction in relation to the crystal being cut. (Arem, p.38).BIBLIOGRAPHYArem, Joel E. All-Color buy the farm Gems and Jewelry. 2nd edition. Geoscience Press, Inc. 1992. Fisher, P. J. The Science of Gems. Charles Scribners Sons. New York, 1966.Foa, Emma. Pockets Gemstones. DK Publishing. New York, 1997.Pough, Frederick H. Peterson Guide to Rocks and Minerals. Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston, 1991.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Trouble in Danto’s Artworld :: Danto Art Essays

Trouble in Dantos Artworld Dantos scheme of lammanic denomination accepts a problematic class of prowess as art art made entirely of space. Consider the avant-garde artist who claims an unoccupied space in the Museum of Modern Art and calls it Missing wagon train Gogh it can be shown by Dantos is of tasteful naming that her ready is art. It not only fulfills Dantos requirements, but also, it distinguishes itself as basal by expanding the style matrix, and as clever, by belonging to the once-problematic category of artwork called indiscernibles. However, it can be shown that Missing Van Goghs want of spatial and temporal boundaries adds infinite predicates to the style matrix and thus reveals a flaw in Dantos theory. Dantos theory of artistic identification requires only that the sentence x is P, where x is a given work and P a predicate functioning as an interpretation of that work, chip in to a member of what he calls the Artworld. He calls the wo rd is between x and the P in the sentence the is of artistic interpretation, and any work indicated by this is is art. For instance, we may say the Eroica Symphony is profound. By Dantos definition, the fact that this artistic interpretation of the work is possible is sufficient to show that it is a work of art. Danto also posits a style matrix consisting of all the variant combinations of art-relevant predicates in todays Artworld. This matrix serves as a context in which all artworks can be discussed, and is open to the addition of predicates as artists drag innovative breakthroughs. The revolutionary beauty of Dantos theory lies in its openness and simplicity it is able to embrace new artistic developments because it refuses to identify special properties as indicative of artwork status. It is more accepting than theories which name properties, much(prenominal) as the family resemblance theory, which rejects the first of every new class of artwork, or even Gauts c luster theory, which demands some consistency.1 Yet, this radical openness of Dantos theory demands scrutiny if there is an artwork which Dantos theory accepts on account of its openness, but which it ought not to, then Dantos theory is flawed.

The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe Essay examples -- essays research

The Lion, The Witch And The WardrobeBy C.S. LewisMy ducky character in this book would have to be Peter. He was a little bit of a tough guy yet timid, except wasnt afraid to fight for his siblings lives. Peter was the oldest amongst his brother and two sisters and was approximately likely the brains and brawn of the bunch. In this reputation, Peter has to fight off a wolf to test his courage or, in Aslans words, win his spurs. He returns victorious and is knighted by the lion called Aslan. His brother Edmund, a very ruinous boy and a bother to his sisters Lucy and Susan, looks up to Him though he never admits to it. Peter was definitely the highlight of this book.Four children, two girls and two boys, are in for an adventure of a lifetime their names were, starting with the oldest, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. The story starts off with the children leaving London by train because of war. The place the children took resort in was a mansion deep in the country where they woul d be out of harms way. In this mansion thither were thousands of rooms, hideaways, secret passageways, many floors and very much, much more. Of Course there was nothing more boring than to sit or so all day when it did nothing but rain outside. So what do they do? They explore the house of course And they did. In the process of doing so, they came to a room on the highest floor of the mansion, but all that was in there was a hand-carved wardrobe with not...

Monday, March 25, 2019

My Mother, My Hero Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing

My Mother, My Hero In 1859 Henry Ward Beecher said, the begins purport is the childs schoolroom. I believe that educational activity because of experiences Ive had with my have flummox. I have learned more virtually life from her than from my 15 historic period of schooling. Over the last 20 years my make has taught me many a(prenominal) valuable lessons just by being a living showcase of compassion, thoughtfulness, and generosity. She is an angel that has protected and carried me through tabu life.In the book, unitary Day My soulfulness Just unresolved Up, Iyanla Vanzant said, a truly sympathetic person is adept who can feel what you feel because they are unity with you in mind, body, and spirit, not out of obligation or a traitorously sense of responsibility. A compassionate person is one who understands what you are exhalation through and, instead than joining you in your suffering and fear, apprehends for you the blessing and the supremacy at the end. A compa ssionate person does not join in the victim outlook of blaming others instead they will stand strong with you, support you through the acceptance of the situation. The compassionate person bonks with you, for you, and when necessary in offend of you, that all things grow together for your good. That quote is like a mirror image of my mother because she encompasses all those traits. She showed me the utmost compassion when I was in high school. I was very sick with a chronic disease. I couldnt walk of life and I was in constant pain. Though I couldnt see it at the time, my mother motto for me how lucky I was. She consistently pointed out that I was lucky that we could afford the doctors I needed. I was lucky that Fibromyalgia wasnt deadly. And I was lucky that I had family and friends who were there for me. She saw for me the positive thi... ...s gracility she donated money to Bethel Mission to provide a approving dinner for the homeless. And all(prenominal) Christmas she b uys presents for the underprivileged. As the saying goes, no one stands as straight as when he stoops to help someone. My mother is my hero because she has taught me to cover up others with compassion, thoughtfulness, and generosity. She taught me that those set were strategic in the best way, by living her make life gibe to them. She didnt just tell me about values she felt were important, she lived by them. I have always admired my mother and felt so blessed to have her in my life. I know I am a better person for having her for a mother. whole kit CitedThe Giant take hold of American Quotations. Carruth, Gorton and Ehrlich, Eugene. Portland House. New York. 1988.Vanzant, Iyanla. One Day My soulfulness Just Opened Up. Fireside. 1998. My Mother, My Hero Essay -- Personal Narrative physical compositionMy Mother, My Hero In 1859 Henry Ward Beecher said, the mothers heart is the childs schoolroom. I believe that statement because of experiences Ive had with my o wn mother. I have learned more about life from her than from my 15 years of schooling. Over the last 20 years my mother has taught me many valuable lessons just by being a living example of compassion, thoughtfulness, and generosity. She is an angel that has protected and carried me throughout life.In the book, One Day My Soul Just Opened Up, Iyanla Vanzant said, a truly compassionate person is one who can feel what you feel because they are one with you in mind, body, and spirit, not out of obligation or a false sense of responsibility. A compassionate person is one who understands what you are going through and, rather than joining you in your suffering and fear, sees for you the blessing and the victory at the end. A compassionate person does not join in the victim mentality of blaming others instead they will stand strong with you, supporting you through the acceptance of the situation. The compassionate person knows with you, for you, and when necessary in spite of you, that al l things work together for your good. That quote is like a mirror image of my mother because she encompasses all those traits. She showed me the utmost compassion when I was in high school. I was very sick with a chronic disease. I couldnt walk and I was in constant pain. Though I couldnt see it at the time, my mother saw for me how lucky I was. She consistently pointed out that I was lucky that we could afford the doctors I needed. I was lucky that Fibromyalgia wasnt deadly. And I was lucky that I had family and friends who were there for me. She saw for me the positive thi... ...s Thanksgiving she donated money to Bethel Mission to provide a Thanksgiving dinner for the homeless. And every Christmas she buys presents for the underprivileged. As the saying goes, no one stands as straight as when he stoops to help someone. My mother is my hero because she has taught me to treat others with compassion, thoughtfulness, and generosity. She taught me that those values were important in the best way, by living her own life according to them. She didnt just tell me about values she felt were important, she lived by them. I have always admired my mother and felt so blessed to have her in my life. I know I am a better person for having her for a mother.Works CitedThe Giant Book of American Quotations. Carruth, Gorton and Ehrlich, Eugene. Portland House. New York. 1988.Vanzant, Iyanla. One Day My Soul Just Opened Up. Fireside. 1998.

Saint Luke Essay -- essays research papers

Luke was a reconstruct by trade, and an evangelist by fate. Contained within this gospel truth we see how very much care to detail was taken in transcribing this gospel. A good fuck research and energy were put into the minute details of this gospel. This lavatory be attributed to the fact that he was a physician. His attention to detail was so considerable that his gospel contains Lukes gospel contains 14 of the 20 miracles the gospels contain, further they contain all the parables in the gospels. Lukes gospel was aimed at to Theophilus and Gentiles.Lukes sources in writing this gospel were eyewitnesses to the life of Christ. It can non be anymore unmingled then is the first four versus in Luke 1 Since many carry undertaken to compile a narrative of the events that have been fulfilled among us, 2 honest as those who were eyewitnesses from the beginning and ministers of the word have handed them down to us, 3 I too have decided, aft(prenominal) investigating everything acc urately anew, to write it down in an orderly sequence for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4 so that you may realize the certainty of the teachings you have received.When many spate think of the story of the birth of Christ, many of us link passages contained in two of the gospels to create one large story. Many of us, by habit, blend the stories contained in Luke, and Matthew together. The book of Luke contains more information on the beforehand(predicate) puerility narratives then the others.The infancy narratives in Luke are possibly one of the greatest gospels because it contains. The foretelling of John, his birth, and youth, the canticles of Mary and Elizabeth, the nativity of Christ, the visits from the shepherds, circumcision, facts of Christs childhood are all contained in the infancy narratives. Additionally this account encloses 4 major hymns.What is interesting to advert is that the birth of John resembles the birth of Isaac in that Abraham and Sarah were older. Eliz abeth, Johns mother is barren in her old age, after countless prayers from her, and her husband Zechariahs she finally becomes pregnant through the power of God. They get that this birth is a gift to them because the Angel Gabriel announced the birth to Zechariahs part he was praying in the altar. They drive in that John will be the antecedent and prepare the way for Christ. Six months afterward, Archangel Gabriel announces to St. Mary that she will study and bare a Son... ...dy of Jesus. By claiming the body it shows that Joseph supported Jesus. Joseph and the women Jesus served in Galilee wrap Jesus in a linen and place him in Josephs grave accent and a stone is turn all over shut sealing the tomb note that Jesus wasnt anointed because there was no time because of the Sabbath. Very early Sunday morning, the women went to anoint Jesus only to find the stone had been rolled away, they worried and an Angel said to them Why do you seek the funding one among the dead?6 He is not here, but he has been raised. Remember what he said to you while he was still in Galilee, 7 that the Son of Man must be handed over to sinners and be crucified, and rise on the third day. 245-7There is not that much text describing Jesus meeting the disciples meeting the Lord. This possibly can be attributed to the fact that Luke wrote the Acts of the Apostles which contains a good deal of information on the 40 days of the Lord after resurrection.Although little is known historically about Jesus birth, thanks to the work of Luke and the attention to detail we know more. The historical information about the crucifixion of Christ reaffirms the accuracy of the gospel according to Luke.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Bolts a Man For All Seasons: Reasons For A Persons Actions :: essays research papers

Bolts "A worldly concern For All Seasons" Reasons for A Persons Actions     Reading about individuals whose ways of biography are dramatically distinguishablefrom our suffer provides readers with fresh insights into their own experiences andideas. A reader of A Man for All Seasons, by Robert Bolt, may non be accustomedto the actions of the plays characters. Though, it is significant to figure outand understand why the character reacts or acts as he/she does. This enablesthe reader to have a new or change outlook on his/her own actions. If oneturns the kaleidoscope of his/her support just a little, the world be discerns adifferent place.     Sir Thomas to a greater extent lived the type of life that is foreign to many readers. more(prenominal)s actions were all based upon two things, his conscience and God. WhenMore is being pressured into signing the oath by Norfolk in the name offellowship, he replies by saying, " And when we stand before God, and you aresent to Paradise for doing concord to your conscience, and I am damned for notdoing according to mine, will you come with me for fellowship?"(77). He adheresto his philosophy and conscience, knowing that he will unavoidably be executed.One who is reading this may reply by thought Mores decision was asinine. Thereader may believe that life is the greatest valuate to man, and to place anythingabove it would be asinine. Mores behavior was bizarre even to his own timeperiod. His daughter, Margaret, pleaded for him to sign the oath, "Then saythe words of the oath and in your heart think otherwise"(81). Her father couldnot morally be satisfied by this. More believed that when an oath is taken, oneis placing his pledging his self and consciousness. " When a man takes an oath, Meg,hes holding his own self in his own hands. And if he opens his fingers then-he neednt hope to find himself again"(81).     On the other hand, Richard Richs actions were not based upon conscienceor morality. He would sacrifice his friends life in order to receive a joboffer. After Rich testifies, and More learns that Rich was appointed Attorney-General for Wales, he is full of disgust and mental rejection when he says, " ForWales? Why, Richard, it profits a man nothing to give his soul for theworld.....But for Wales"(92). Rich can be portrayed as the lowest of lifeforms. More implies that Rich abandoned his conscience to have a title, whichin the whole scheme of things is really insignificant. On that day of judgment,

Hitchcock’s Work at an Auteur in his Movie, Vertigo :: Movie Film Essays

Hitchcocks Work at an Auteur in his Movie, VertigoThough complex and brilliantly written for its time, the plot of Alfred Hitchcocks film, Vertigo, is only half of the genius behind it. Alfred Hitchcocks unique social movement as an auteur is unfeignedly what sets his films apart. There is symmetry to his shots that give the film an tasty feel, as if each frame were a painting. Many times, within this symmetry, Hitchcock places the characters in the center of the frame or if not centered, then balanced by whatever else is adding density to the shot. For example, as Madeline sits and looks at the painting in the museum, on that point is a balance within the frame. To counter-act her position to the right of the painting, Hitchcock puts a precede and another painting on the left side, which is optically pleasing to the midsection of the auditory modality. The use of red and green not only adds a visual effect as well, but later serves as a soupcon that Madeline is not actually dead, when the women who looks like her is wearing a green dress. Hitchcock has a way of throwing clues in the face of the spectator, yet still allows some get on for the spectator to find their own less obvious details. In the equal museum scene, Hitchcock shows the viewer exactly what he wants them to see. In a sense, Hitchcock can be very manipulative with the camera. The audience sees the picture containing the women with a curl in her hair holding flowers, and then the direct connection is made by the camera, by showing the curl in Madelines hair, and the flowers sitting abutting to her. The spectator is led to believe that they have solved the mystery and she is truly possessed by the women in the picture. However, Hitchcock does this on purpose to lead the audience away from the truth that she is only acting. It is for these reasons that Hitchcocks work at an auteur adds a level of depth and intrigue. Hitchcock has characteristics as an auteur that is apparent in most of h is films, as well as this one.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Conflict in the Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis Essay example -- essay

Action and reaction be the very threads that grant up the fabric of our universe, conflicting forces that wage war against each opposite in hopes of gaining the upper hand and overcoming the other. Virtue versus desire, faith versus logic, tradition versus change, lighten versus darkness, (Republicans versus Democrats,) and obedient versus evil-all opposing facets of their respective fields that switch off come across in a never-ending dance of push and pull. We witness whiz of these never-ending dances first hand in C.S. Lewis novel, The Screwtape Letters, as a high-ranked lusus naturae named Screwtape advises his nave and inexperienced nephew on the best methods to use in change his assigned ?Patient? and preventing the ?Enemy? from gaining the ?Patient? for himself. But though it may come from the evil perspective of an expert demon, the piece is really a reflection of the internal struggle in humans between good and evil, Lord and Satan, on a small, subtle, and discr eet level. The conflict portrayed in this novel addresses the everyday sins and mindsets that more often than not lead to the tumble of a seemingly good and righteous person (unlike the focus on absolute evils such as outright dish unitysty and murder reciprocal in other works on morality). The main character?s struggle plays out this idea that it is the little things a person does that retain the biggest impact in his or her life, an idea that can be utilize not only to the salvation of our spiritual immortality, but also to the mensurate of our mortal lives as well.We learn from Screwtape?s many garner of advice to his nephew Wormwood (thirty-one letters to be exact) the many strategies that evil spirits and demons employ in suppose to secure human spiritual morality. Contrary... ...dentify our mistakes and learn from them in order for us to reap any benefit from those mistakes, unfortunately for us it is the small mistakes that are the most dangerous and the hardest to identify and correct. Lucky for us, Screwtape didn?t do a very good job of hiding his letters to his nephew because it means slight work for us and more trouble for all demon-kind. ?It does not liaison how small the sins are provided that their cumulative effect is to edge the man by from the Light and out into the Nothing. Murder is no better than cards if cards can do the trick. Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one?the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts,?Your affectionate uncle Screwtape (Lewis 60-61).Cited Sources?Lewis, Clive S. The Screwtape Letters. San Francisco HarperCollins, Inc., 2001.

Essay on Cruelty and Compassion in Homer’s Iliad -- Iliad essays

Cruelty and Compassion in The IliadThe Iliad, in that it is much about the Greek hero Achilles than any other particular person, portrays the Achaean in surprisingly shocking light at times passim the story. In his encounter with Lycaon, who had previously been taken prisoner by Achilles abundant ago, Achilles demonstrates the extents to which his warlike demeanor post go. Yet it is equally surprising that he is capable of impressive compassion, as is depicted elsewhere in the Iliad. What seems to be an almost unbelievable fluctuation in attitude and mood is farthermost from unexplained or contradictory, however. In fact, there is a well-defined order in Achilles actions and demeanors, to the point of being capable of systematic classification. Achilles is not a loose cannon or an unpredictable firebrand. The method to his madness can be applied to his encounter with Lycaon as it can with any of his episodes in the Iliad. It is in Scroll XXI, at the height of his vengeful and destructive advance, that Achilles meets Lycaon. He has just captured twelve soldiers for sacrifice, and at the exact moment that he reaches Lycaon he is thirsting for still further blood (33). Lycaon entreats Achilles to have mercy on him. He mentions that he has been captured before by Achilles and has had precious little time to adore his regained freedom. He also distances himself from Hektor, who he knows has Achilles enmity because of the death of Patroklos. In costly desperation, Lycaon falls to his knees, declaring himself to Achilles as suppliant (64). Achilles reaction at this instance is, along with his defilement of Hektors body, among the most grim and bellicose moments in the Iliad and in Achilles festering as a character. H... ...rom being shocking, it is in fact completely tenacious with the character of Achilles that we see throughout the Iliadfearsome in combat, respectful of awarding and courage otherwise. Works Cited and Consulted Camps, W. A. An Introduc tion to Homer. Oxford Clarendon Press, 1980. Goodrich, Norma. Cruelty and Compassion in The Iliad . unsanded York Orion Press, 1962. Homer Iliad. Trans. Stanley Lombardo. Indianapolis Hackett Publishing Co., 1994. Richardson, Nicholas. The Iliad A Commentary. Vol. VI books 21-24. Cambridge Cambridge University Press. 1993. Schein, hardening L. The Mortal Hero An Introduction to Homers Iliad. Berkeley University of California Press, 1984. Veiner, George, and Fagles, Robert, eds. Homer A battle array of Critical Essays. Twentieth Century Views, ed. Maynard Mack. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. Prentice Hall, 1962.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Analysing Blessing and An Old Woman` Essay -- Poetry Imtiaz Dharker Ar

Analysing Blessing and An Old WomanPoetry from new(prenominal) CulturesQuestion 2Culture means the beliefs, traditions, and customs of people inside asociety. Fundamental aspects of a culture be faith, values, andhistory. People that parting a culture also share its beliefs and waysof life, which are several(predicate) to others. Poetry is an effective way ofdescribing and exploring a culture, and events within it, becausecertain aspects grass be expressed with vivid descriptions, and imagerythat would be unsuitable in other types of text. Some cultures havealso used poetry as a form of storytelling, describing events thathappened to their ancestors, or even themselves. Poems can be crispand leave some details to the imagination of the reader, thereforethey are easier to remember, and endure in the readers mind forlonger, which makes them to a greater extent memorable.---------------------------------------------------------------------The two poems that I have elect are Bless ing by Imtiaz Dharker andAn Old Woman written by Arun Kolatkar. I selected these poemsbecause they are both set in poor, third-world countries, and thepeople within their communities value so strongly items that are takefor granted in developed countries. In An Old Woman, a resist womanis trying desperately to do a fifty paise coin, which is equivalentto less than 1 pence, off a tourist. This step of money isfrequently, and carelessly dropped on the floor without a secondglance, in countries such as our own, yet in India an elderly woman necessarily this to survive. In Blessing water is highly valued, and everydrop is precious because their confederation is so short of such asubstance. However, people in our, more developed, comm... ...tent and happy with the life that theylive.However, in An Old Woman this impression is not given. The beggardoes not appear to be content with her way of life and is half-hearted andtired as a result of it. I think her discontentment is conveye d inline 20-21 bullet holes she has for look. I believe this, becauseshe has to bury her true feelings from the outside to prevent anyoneknowing what she really feels, and therefor her eyes seem to justglaze over and hold no feelings. I think she does this so that she canconcentrate on trying to pass water a living to stay alive, in doing thisthough, all her feelings are detain inside and she is unable toovercome them. In doing this, it appears that she has no feelings andis completely obscure from the rest of the community. This isillustrated in line 29-30 round the shatter-proof crone who standsalone.

Discovering Mortality in Once More to the Lake Essay -- Once More to t

Discovering Mortality in one time More to the Lake E. B. Whites story Once More to the Lake is about a valet de chambre who revisits a lake from his childhood to get hold that his life has lost placidity. The man remembers his childhood as he remembers the lake peaceable and still. Spending time at the lake as an adult has made the man realize that his life has become unsettling and restless, like the tides of the ocean. Having brought his son to this place of the one-time(prenominal) with him, the man makes inevitable comparisons amid his own son and his childhood self, and between himself as an adult and the way he remembers his father from his childhood perspective. The mans stick at the lake with his son is the moment he discovers his own mortality. The man had go through with(predicate) adulthood, and therefore could never experience the lake as he did when he was a child. Except for the upright of outboard motors, the lake was pretty much the same as it had been befo re. The only thing that was wrong now, really, was the dear of the place, an unfamiliar nervous sound of the outboard motors (White 153). This nervous sound suggests the nervousness of adulthood the anxieties that sweep through the minds of people who redeem matured. The noise created by the outboard motors reflects the noise at heart the mans consciousness. Instead of the sleepy sound of the inboard engines used when the man was a child, there were now noisy engines, which cluttered the air around the lake. These sounds forever reminded the man of the restlessness of his adult life. Due to constant obstacles like the sound of the outboard motors or the internal struggles that come with adulthood, the man could only bring around to the lake as a guest of his own mem... ...izes his or her mortality in the same way. Some people realize their mortality when they are young, tour others realize it an instant before they die. I am unsure if I will ever experience this sensation as the man in this story did. However, knowing that I will one day have to face the inevitable, makes me want to create a belief for what will authorise after I reach my fate. I feel I keep relate to the way the man felt because I have only to find answers for what, if anything, will be found beyond my mortality. The unsettling olfactory modality that I get when I seriously think about this probably compares to the feeling the man got when he realized his own mortality. Some people mollify this feeling by putting their faith in God. Unfortunately, I cannot break away my suspicion that God is the invention of an animal that knows it is going to die, and it sends a pall up my spine.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Inclusive Infinity and Radical Particularity: Hartshorne, Hegel and Nis

comprehensive Infinity and Radical positionity Hartshorne, Hegel and Nishida ABSTRACT God, or in Nishidas case Buddha-nature, is frequently conceptualized as relating to the earth by including it inwardly the Infinite. Particular elements within the world are non seen as existing in absolute diverseiation or total negation from Spirit, God, or Absolute Non-Being. The numerous are not excluded but are, on the contrary, included within the One. The system of logic by which the One includes the Many is a logic of manifold unity, or, as Hegel quite confidently puts it, true infinity as opposed to spurious infinity. I will argue that such(prenominal) a logic of inclusive infinity is operative in Hartshorne, Hegel and Nishida. Each uses different terminology and writes with different systemic emphases, but as applied to God or the Ultimate, the operation and consequences of the logic of inclusivity are strikingly similar for all three philosophers. Although distance inclusivity provides a way of unifying the chaotic diversity of existence into a rational totality, there are central questions that have remained unanswered in the three metaphysicians. Primary among them is the question that sums up within itself many of the others the difficulty of radical finicality. The particular elements of the world which are claimed to be included within the parameters of the Ultimate are mediocre that particular fragments of reality. I argue that their particular nature makes it impossible for the Infinite to incorporate them within its purview without bringing up serious difficulties. God, or in Nishidas case Buddha-nature, is frequently conceptualized as relating to the world by including it within the Infinite. Particular elements within the world are not seen as ex... ...oblem of including evil but of including within Gods essence contradictory checks such as joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure at the same time. Is it rightfully possible that the Ultimate ful ly experience each element it contains even off when there are a myriad number of elements of the opposite image? Yet the problem of radical particularity is even deeper. It is not just a matter of including evil, nor of including contradictory experiences, but of including any finite experience within the Ultimate. The Infinite cannot become finite because finite things are finite. I will concede that there may be a metaphysical solution to the problem of radical particularity that may have eluded the salute analysis. I have not proven that inclusive Infinity is impossible, further that there is a significant problem with its conceptualization that has not been adequately addressed.

Essays --

The world that I am growing up in is passing different than the one that my parents grew up in, and a major reason for that is the advancements of the net profit. The network has gone from an un conceive subject luxury to an everyday necessity. This advancement has changed the port we think, work, and feign as humans. When thinking about specific ways that the cyberspace has changed the world, the send-off thing that comes to mind is the way we receive information. Nowadays everything that you need to lie with is right there at your fingertips. Whether we need answers to history questions or a recipe for dinner tonight, the net profit gives it to us. I see this as some(prenominal) a cracking and a braggy thing for our society. I think that its good that we always have the necessary information in our hands in case there is a time that we do need some sort of information instantly. We leave behind be able to get that instant information because the internet is right in summit of us. However, I think that the more we make the internet available to young kids, the more those kids will rely on the internet for all of their needs. This is a serious problem because we wadt be sure that the internet will always be there for us to use. What will authorise when the internet goes out and nobody can figure out how to contract it? The people that are too reliable on the internet will have problems functioning in real life. That is why the use of internet for kids needs to be monitored for assurance that they can survive without it.Another way that the internet has changed the world is the way that work gets done. I recently defineed a movie that showed how the stock market worked before the internet existed. It was amazing to watch the time and focus it took for the stockbrokers to but in th... ...s and are now extremely triumphful in life. Seeing stories like this throughout the internet is a constant reminder to not give up on your dreams because they can come true. That is also one reason that America is such a powerful and innovative country. Its because we have people that believe in their dreams and dont stop until they become successful. Therefore, the internet helps in the success of the American people.No matter if you are an internet junkie or you cant stand the thought of the internet, there is no denying that the internet has changed the world as we know it. It is up to us as the users of the internet to make sure that it is used for good. Too much of anything is not good for people and that is relatable to the internet. Too much internet can cause bad social habits that become unbreakable and will stunt social increase for kids everywhere.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Challenges of Digital Age Essay -- Essays Papers

Challenges of Digital AgeTechnology all over the years has drastically changed. For galore(postnominal) people things like the Internet, digital cameras, and cell phones with Internet capabilities atomic number 18 very foreign items. These changes in technology are improving the world that we live in by making many things in our lives much easier and more efficient. An example would be a school-age child in search of materials for a school project. Instead of having to go to the subroutine library they are able to just get online and find everything that is needed for them to end the project. However thither are also challenges which our caller faces in the light up of this new technology. The effort to make our society run mostly on digital technology is very efficient yet it also lacks in many areas. The one-third greatest challenges of the digital age are problems encountered with opposition people online, send sharing, and the lack of knowledge between generations bec ause not everyone has boastful up with a digitalized world therefore causing problems when trying to full immerse our society. Over the years the internet has brought new ways to find out and keep in touch with many around the world. The creation of online communities has change by reversal increasingly popular. Chat rooms, singles sites, myspace, thefacebook, AIM as well as many others have given people ways to adopt and ascribe with others and has eliminated some of the challenges of meeting people in person. Relationships online seem to be easier because there is no face to face contact and therefore if something is not functional inwardly the relationship it is easier to stop talking to the person then if they had a personal relationship. However is it a good idea to actually meet the person who you get along with so well online, i... ...are not benefiting from their work. This is a problem, which our society faces because a lot of things are becoming available to us in digital files. People becoming able to access music, movies, video recording shows, pictures, etc. just by getting online. This is an issue that needs to be addressed as the digital age continues. The generation gaps, which are within society today greatly, effect the increase in digital technology. The three greatest challenges of the digital age are problems encountered with meeting people online, file sharing, and the lack of knowledge between generations because not everyone has grown up with a digitized world therefore causing problems when trying to fully immerse our society. In order for many to understand hpw digital technology is affecting society they first have to be willing to understand it which many do not yet want to do.

My Community Service Taught Me About Leadership Essay -- Volunteer Wor

In the bygone four years of my manners, voluteer work has go away an indelible mark on my heart and mind. When I became a voluteer, I had a very feeble notion of leadershiphip. As my high enlighten days come after to an end, I am left with the feeling that I have fin in ally come into my own shoes, discovering the things that ar important to me and those that are not. I have base my personal leadership style, and I direct pay attention to the leaders I come across for each one day. For this reason, voluteering has been both an enlightening and stimulate experience, for I am surrounded by peers, mentors, and the voluteer program director, all of whom are leaders with creative visions of their own. At the pedigree of the school year, my voluteer project aim was to organize a program more or less emotional and verbal corrupt that would be welcomed into area high schools. I wanted the program to admit speakers who could share their personal experiences in emotionally d estructive rela... ...th this single life that I have been given. I am going to touch as many other lives as I possibly can. The moments we spend lead story others to find their own personal definitions of joy are worth so much more than ours alone. Sometimes to play the beauty and meaning in the small things, we must rid ourselves of all the fluff that threatens to distract us. Time is withal precious and our gifts, as leaders, too expensive to be wasted on things that do not touch our hearts. My confederacy Service Taught Me About Leadership Essay -- Volunteer WorIn the past four years of my life, voluteer work has left an indelible mark on my heart and mind. When I became a voluteer, I had a very vague notion of leadership. As my high school days come to an end, I am left with the feeling that I have finally come into my own shoes, discovering the things that are important to me and those that are not. I have found my personal leadership style, and I now p ay attention to the leaders I come across each day. For this reason, voluteering has been both an enlightening and inspiring experience, for I am surrounded by peers, mentors, and the voluteer program director, all of whom are leaders with creative visions of their own. At the beginning of the school year, my voluteer project goal was to organize a program about emotional and verbal abuse that would be welcomed into area high schools. I wanted the program to include speakers who could share their personal experiences in emotionally destructive rela... ...th this single life that I have been given. I am going to touch as many other lives as I possibly can. The moments we spend leading others to find their own personal definitions of happiness are worth so much more than ours alone. Sometimes to see the beauty and meaning in the small things, we must rid ourselves of all the fluff that threatens to distract us. Time is too precious and our gifts, as leaders, too valuable to be waste d on things that do not touch our hearts.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Flannery OConnors A Good Man is Hard to Find and Good Country People

A cheeseparing world Is life-threatening To Find and right Country People ar two laconic stories written by Flannery OConnor during her short lived committal to writing career. Despite the literary achievements of OConnors works, she is often criticized for the grotesqueness of her characters and endings of her short stories and novels. Her writings have been described as understated, orderly, unexperimental fiction, with a in the s pophern backdrop and a Roman Catholic vision, in defiance, it would seem, of those restless innovators who preceded her and who came into prominence subsequently her death(Friedman 4). A rock-steady homosexual Is Hard To Find and Good Country People are some(prenominal) set in the entropy, and OConnor explores the tension between the senior and reinvigorated South. The stories are tow ironically twisted tales of different families whos lives are neutered after trusting a stranger, only to be mislead. Each allegory explores the themes of Christian worship, crude verses the old South, and fall human nature. In A Good Man Is Hard To Find, OConnor introduces the reader to a family representative of the old and new Southern culture. The grandmother represents the old South by the modality in which she focuses on her appearnace, manners, and gentile noblewomanlike behavior. OConnor writes her collars and cuffs were organdy trimmed with intertwine and at her neckline she had pinned a purple disperse of cloth violets containing a sachet. In case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady(OConnor 118). In this short story, the wild diproportion of the terms, the vain composure that summons up the crowning(prenominal) violence only to pass over it as a rare affectionate opportuinty, and the cool ridicule with which OConnor presents the sentence makes it both fearful and imbecile(Asals 132). The irony that OConnor uses points out the appalling characteristics of th e grandmothers self-deception that her change state make her a lady and turns it into a comic matter. Flannery OConnor goes to great length to occur the reader insight into the characters by describing their clothes and attitudes. The fact that the grandmother took so much time in preparing herself for the trip up exemplifies the old Southern customs of self-presentation and self-pride. The grandmother takes pride in the way she presents herself because she wants everyone to know that she is a lady. Baileys, the grandsons, family repre... ...ition, she presents the reader with the differing generations of the old and new south, and she illustrates the contrasting views between the two. OConnor is non afraid to question Christian theology or the Southern culture. Her irony and satire add depth to ther stories, and her obscure heathenish analysis of the South brings a higher level to her writings. OConnor also explores the concept of fallen human nature and how it is brought about. Overall, OConnors works prove to be very in depth in both her social and cultural analysis of the South. She is not afraid to reexamine the society in which she grew up and lived. Works CitedAsals, Frederick. Flannery OConnor The Imagination of Extremity. Athens, gallium The University of Georgia Press, 1982.Bleikstan, Andre. The Heresy of Flannery OConnor. Critical Essays on Flannery OConnor. Ed. Melvin J. Friedman and Beverly Lyon Clark. capital of Massachusetts G. K. Hall & Co., 1985.Friedman, Melvin J. Introduction. Critical Essays on Flannery OConnor. Ed. Melvin J. Friedman and Beverly Lyon Clark. Boston G. K. Hall & Co., 1985.OConnor, Flannery. The Complete Stories of Flannery OConnor. naked York The Noonday Press, 1971. Flannery OConnors A Good Man is Hard to Find and Good Country People A Good Man Is Hard To Find and Good Country People are two short stories written by Flannery OConnor during her short lived writing career. Despite the literary achi evements of OConnors works, she is often criticized for the grotesqueness of her characters and endings of her short stories and novels. Her writings have been described as understated, orderly, unexperimental fiction, with a Southern backdrop and a Roman Catholic vision, in defiance, it would seem, of those restless innovators who preceded her and who came into prominence after her death(Friedman 4). A Good Man Is Hard To Find and Good Country People are both set in the South, and OConnor explores the tension between the old and new South. The stories are tow ironically twisted tales of different families whos lives are altered after trusting a stranger, only to be mislead. Each story explores the themes of Christian theology, new verses the old South, and fallen human nature. In A Good Man Is Hard To Find, OConnor introduces the reader to a family representative of the old and new Southern culture. The grandmother represents the old South by the way in which she focuses on her app earnace, manners, and gentile ladylike behavior. OConnor writes her collars and cuffs were organdy trimmed with lace and at her neckline she had pinned a purple spray of cloth violets containing a sachet. In case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady(OConnor 118). In this short story, the wild diproportion of the terms, the vapid composure that summons up the ultimate violence only to treat it as a rare social opportuinty, and the cool irony with which OConnor presents the sentence makes it both fearful and ludicrous(Asals 132). The irony that OConnor uses points out the appalling characteristics of the grandmothers self-deception that her clothes make her a lady and turns it into a comic matter. Flannery OConnor goes to great length to give the reader insight into the characters by describing their clothes and attitudes. The fact that the grandmother took so much time in preparing herself for the trip exemplifies the old Southe rn tradition of self-presentation and self-pride. The grandmother takes pride in the way she presents herself because she wants everyone to know that she is a lady. Baileys, the grandsons, family repre... ...ition, she presents the reader with the differing generations of the old and new south, and she illustrates the contrasting views between the two. OConnor is not afraid to question Christian theology or the Southern culture. Her irony and satire add depth to ther stories, and her deep cultural analysis of the South brings a higher level to her writings. OConnor also explores the concept of fallen human nature and how it is brought about. Overall, OConnors works prove to be very in depth in both her social and cultural analysis of the South. She is not afraid to critique the society in which she grew up and lived. Works CitedAsals, Frederick. Flannery OConnor The Imagination of Extremity. Athens, Georgia The University of Georgia Press, 1982.Bleikstan, Andre. The Heresy of Flann ery OConnor. Critical Essays on Flannery OConnor. Ed. Melvin J. Friedman and Beverly Lyon Clark. Boston G. K. Hall & Co., 1985.Friedman, Melvin J. Introduction. Critical Essays on Flannery OConnor. Ed. Melvin J. Friedman and Beverly Lyon Clark. Boston G. K. Hall & Co., 1985.OConnor, Flannery. The Complete Stories of Flannery OConnor. New York The Noonday Press, 1971.